About Us

Our Mission

To empower those who have the dedication and commitment to take their business to the next level by making top 1% level marketing talent and information widely available.

  • Consultation

    Weekly or Bi-Weekly sessions with one of our expert growth marketers can help guide you to your ultimate business goals. We find creative solutions to complex challenges.

    Schedule Free Session 
  • Service

    Looking to scale your business to the next level? Our experts in paid media, seo, conversion rate optimization, email marketing and more can help you get there.

    View Available Services 
  • Education

    Empower yourself and your team with information and processess written by expert marketers in ever field. Learn the tools and strategies used to grow million dollar stores.

    Browse SOP Library 

Brands We've Worked With

  • Tyler Dykstra

    Founder of SFL Ecommerce

  • Julian Sarmiento

    Co-Founder of SFL Ecommerce

  • 200+

    Brands and Stores Optimized

  • 25%

    Average Client Monthly Growth

  • $10,000,000+

    In Ad Spend Managed

  • 10+

    Years Experience Per Team Member

"As someone who has spent a large majority of my career in the agency space, I knew that when starting this project I didn't want to fall into the same old marketing agency mold. I wanted SFL to go beyond service and to truly empower our brand partners with the knowledge, assistance, and resources to reach their businss goals for years and years to come. Something that I pride myself on is absolute transparency and honesty, and I believe that those two core values are what propel the excellent quality that we've been able to deliver on a consistent basis."

- SFL Founder, Tyler Dykstra

SFL 4 Core Values


We believe that innovation is the single most important driving force behind major success for ecommerce brands. We pride ourselves on remaining at the forefront of the latest technology, strategies, and techniques for maximizing each cog in the marketing machine.


The best gift we can give our clients is the gift of knowlege. You've probably heard the old saying "Give a man to fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." This is why we decided to build one of the most comprehensive sources of marketing information online in our SOP library.


Honesty and transparency go hand in hand. We won't try to lie to you and tell you that things are always going perfectly. The truth is marketing involves a fair degree of trial and error, but we pride ourselves on the ability to clearly communicate our testing strategy, hypothesis, findings, and action items.


Theres no better feeling than knowing that you're business is being taken care of by someone who understands what you want and makes you feel comfortable that they know what they're doing. This is a feeling we strive to give all of our clients by displaying a high level of occupational competency at all times.